Az Trail near Clint’s Well

Az Trail near Clint’s Well

Projection: Cylindrical (1) FOV: 126 x 54 Ev: 13.28
Projection: Cylindrical (1)
FOV: 126 x 54
Ev: 13.28

This section is north of highway 87, about 6 miles east of Lake Mary road. Access to the trail from forest road 211 is pretty easy to spot.

Download file: clints.gpx


Projection: Cylindrical (1) FOV: 128 x 49 Ev: 12.74
Projection: Cylindrical (1)
FOV: 128 x 49
Ev: 12.74
Projection: Cylindrical (1) FOV: 126 x 47 Ev: 12.96
Projection: Cylindrical (1)
FOV: 126 x 47
Ev: 12.96
Projection: Equirectangular (2) FOV: 155 x 85 Ev: 12.87
Projection: Equirectangular (2)
FOV: 155 x 85
Ev: 12.87



Park Here: 34.62284, -111.20709